Palisades at Tahoe parking lot view of super efficient and quiet mini split heat pump condenser
Palisades deck with mini split heat pump condenser with neutral beige color is barely visible above deck and meets Olympic Valley Design Guidelines published in 1983, page 9. “12. All metal flashings and mechanical equipment shall be harmonious with the exterior colors of the structures.” Mini split condenser neutral beige color meets Olynpic Valley Design Guidelines.
Palisades deck mini split condenser line set and condensate line painted to match exterior. According to Placer County Planning Department, Olympic Valley Design Guidelines developed in 1983 take precedence over Palisades Village Neighborhood Guidelines developed in 1997.
Palisades condominium deck super-quiet mini split condenser with 20 SEER and 9.5 HSPF reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 80% compared to portable AC units and propane heat.
Living room mini split ceiling fan coil installation maintains 1-hour fire rating of ceiling assembly
Living room mini split ceiling cassette
Greenfan® bipolar ionizer and anti-allergy air filters in bedroom and living room mini split ceiling cassettes continuously purify air, deactivate viruses, and prevent pandemics
Improving indoor air quality stops Invisible particles from penetrating cells, blood, lungs, heart, and brain to prevent asthma, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, and dementia.
Bedroom mini split ceiling cassette
Bedroom mini split ceiling cassette
2-zone mini split heat pump uses 5 Amps or 3.9 times less Amps than 2 portable AC units
Heat pump 20A GFCI with 255A breakers
Bedroom heat pump ceiling cavity with UL-listed 2-hour fire-rated Type X gypsum
Two portable AC units use 19.4 Amps or 3.9 times more Amps than mini split heat pump
Original panel with 270A breakers
Living room heat pump ceiling cavity with UL-listed 2-hour fire-rated Type X gypsum